Symphony BDK Test
This guide provides information to Symphony BDK Bot developers about how using Symphony BDK Test to build the integration tests for the Bots.
Java BDK Bots Integration tests
To create an integration test for a Java BDK Bot application, developer needs to add annotation @SymphonyBdkTest
on top of the test class. This annotation has three properties botId
, botName
, and botDisplayName
, developer can choose appropriate values per requirement, otherwise the default values are used.
long botId() default 1L;
String botName() default "bdk-bot";
String botDisplayName() default "BDK Bot";
The annotation automatically brings the Mockito
as well as SymphonyBdkExtension
Junit extensions in the test, which will initialise a SymphonyBdk
mock instance, through SymphonyBdk
, developer can get all BDK services, please remember all services are simply Mockito mocked objects. Take the simple example below,
public class SampleBdkIntegrationTest {
private final V4User initiator = new V4User().displayName("user").userId(2L);
private final V4Stream stream = new V4Stream().streamId("my-room");
private SymphonyBdk bdk;
@DisplayName("Reply upon received gif category form reply, inject bdk as property")
void gif_form_replyWithMessage() {
bdk.activities().register(new GifFormActivity(bdk.messages()));
// given
when(bdk.messages().send(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(mock(V4Message.class));
// when
Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("action", "submit");
values.put("category", "bdk");
pushEventToDataFeed(new V4Event().id("id").timestamp(
.initiator(new V4Initiator().user(initiator))
.payload(new V4Payload().symphonyElementsAction(
new V4SymphonyElementsAction().formId("gif-category-form")
// then
verify(bdk.messages()).send(eq("my-room"), contains("Gif category is \"bdk\""));
in this example, the goal is to validate the GifFormActivity
, it is expecting to have a message sent back to the room, when a gif-category-form
reply has received.
- As shown, a
mock instance is inject as test class property. - Register the being tested form activity through BDK activity service.
- Stub the injected mocked bdk messages service,
- Inject the form reply event through
, - At the end we verify that a replied message has been sent back to the room through bdk messages service.
The SymphonyBdk
instance can also be injected as test method argument, like shown in the example below.
public class SampleBdkIntegrationTest {
private final V4User initiator = new V4User().displayName("user").userId(2L);
private final V4Stream stream = new V4Stream().streamId("my-room");
@DisplayName("Reply echo slash command, inject bdk as parameter")
void testEchoSlashCommand(SymphonyBdk bdk) {
final SlashCommand slashCommand = SlashCommand.slash("/echo {argument}",
context -> bdk.messages()
"Received argument: %s",
"echo slash command");
// given
when(bdk.messages().send(anyString(), any(Message.class))).thenReturn(mock(V4Message.class));
// when
pushMessageToDF(initiator, stream, "/echo arg");
// then
verify(bdk.messages()).send(eq("my-room"), contains("Received argument: arg"));
SpringBoot based Bots Integration tests
To create an integration test for an SpringBoot based Bot application, developer needs to add the annotation @SymphonyBdkSpringBootTest
on top of the test class, when the test is launched, a SpringBoot application context is going to be loaded, all BDK services are being injected in this application context.
Developer can then @Autowired
these BDK services beans whenever they are needed in the test, please note that these services beans are simply Mockito mocked objects, they have to be stubbed just like the way how we do in a simple JUnit test.
The annotation @SymphonyBdkSpringBootTest
comes with a properties array attribute, which allows to define the Bot information, such as
, bot.username
, and bot.display-name
, the additional SpringBoot Bot application properties can also be provided in this array (Another option is to use a YAML configuration file, please see the next paragraph). By default, this array value is "", "bot.username=bdk-bot", "bot.display-name=BDK Bot"
The test annotated with @SymphonyBdkSpringBootTest
is automatically marked under SpringBoot integration-test
profile, so developer can
- opt to use a
file in the test class path to customise the Bot application configurations if needed. - run only the integration tests separately from other tests.
Here below is a quick integration test example, for a more complete example, please take a look at the
in the _ symphony-bdk-examples/bdk-spring-boot-example_ module.
@SymphonyBdkSpringBootTest(properties = {"", "bot.username=my-bot", "bot.display-name=my bot"})
public class SampleSpringAppIntegrationTest {
private final V4User initiator = new V4User().displayName("user").userId(2L);
private final V4Stream stream = new V4Stream().streamId("my-room");
void echo_command_replyWithMessage(
@Autowired MessageService messageService,
@Autowired UserV2 botInfo
) {
// (1) given
when(messageService.send(anyString(), any(Message.class))).thenReturn(mock(V4Message.class));
// (2) when
pushMessageToDF(initiator, stream, "/echo arg", botInfo);
// (3) then
verify(messageService).send(eq("my-room"), eq("Received argument: arg"));
In this example, the test is expecting to have a replied message sent back the room, from where a /echo
slash command message has received.
- We first stub the injected mocked
- Then, inject the
command message
- At the end, we verify that a replied message has been sent back to the room through BDK
The @SymphonyBdkSpringBootTest
annotation is inheritable. Developers may have one parent test class with this annotation, so that the child test classes will inherit the annotation and its properties.
Symphony BDK Test Utils
is a very handy helper class allowing to inject Symphony events to the DataFeed, so that the registered activities and slash commands should react on these received events.
This util class comes with six methods so far,
void pushMessageToDF(V4User initiator, V4Stream stream, String message)
, to inject a simple string message to Datafeed, the util class will construct the final MessageML message content. -
void pushMessageToDF(V4User initiator, V4Stream stream, String message, UserV2 botInfo)
, to especially inject a slash command message to Datafeed, which needs started with a bot mention, so the util class will construct the final slash command message with the provided bot user object. - ` void pushMessageToDF(V4User initiator, V4Message message)
, to inject a complex message, developers can construct an entire complex
V4Message` object and inject it to Datafeed. -
void pushElementActionToDF(V4User initiator, V4SymphonyElementsAction elementAction)
, to inject a for element to Datafeed. -
void pushUserJoinedEventToDF(V4User initiator, V4UserJoinedRoom userJoinedRoom)
, to inject aUserJoinedRoomEvent
to Datafeed. - finally a generic method
void pushEventToDataFeed(V4Event event)
, developer can inject any Datafeed events through this method, do not forget to precise the event type by usingV4EventType
enum class, such like
void test() {
new V4Event()
.initiator(new V4Initiator().user(initiator))
new V4Payload().symphonyElementsAction(
new V4SymphonyElementsAction().formId("gif-category-form")