BDK Core Spring Boot Starter

The Symphony BDK for Java provides a Starter module that aims to ease bot developments within a Spring Boot application.


  • Configure bot environment through application.yaml
  • Subscribe to Real Time Events from anywhere
  • Provide injectable services
  • Ease activities creation
  • Provide @Slash annotation to register a slash command


The following listing shows the pom.xml file that has to be created when using Maven:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""





        // integration test dependency


The following listing shows the build.gradle file that has to be created when using Gradle:

plugins {
    id 'java-library'
    id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.3.4.RELEASE'

dependencies {
    implementation platform('org.finos.symphony.bdk:symphony-bdk-bom:2.12.0-SNAPSHOT')

    implementation 'org.finos.symphony.bdk:symphony-bdk-core-spring-boot-starter'
    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter'

    // integration test dependency
    testImplementation 'org.finos.symphony.bdk:symphony-bdk-test-spring-boot'

Create a Simple Bot Application

As a first step, you have to initialize your bot environment through the Spring Boot src/main/resources/application.yaml file:

      username: bot-username
        path: /path/to/rsa/privatekey.pem

    com.symphony: debug # in development mode, it is strongly recommended to set the BDK logging level at DEBUG

You can notice here that the bdk property inherits from the BdkConfig class.

As required by Spring Boot, you have to create an src/main/java/com/example/bot/ class:

public class BotApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Now you can create a component for a simple bot application, as the following listing (from src/main/java/com/example/bot/ shows:

public class HelloBot {

  private MessageService messageService;

  public void onMessageSent(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4MessageSent> event) {"event was triggered at {}", ((EventPayload) event.getSource()).getEventTimestamp());
    this.messageService.send(event.getSource().getMessage().getStream(), "Hello!");

You can finally run your Spring Boot application and verify that your bot always replies with Hello!. It also worth noting that the event timestamp is only accessible from EventPayload type, you need simply cast the source event to it, and call getEventTimestamp() method to read the value, as you can see from the example here.

OBO (On behalf of) usecases

It is possible to run an application with no bot service account configured in order to accommodate OBO usecases only. For instance the following configuration is valid:

      appId: app-id
        path: /path/to/rsa/privatekey.pem

This will cause all features related to the datafeed loop such as Real Time Events, activities, slash commands, etc. to be deactivated. However, service beans with OBO-enabled endpoints will be available and can be used as following:

public class OboUsecase {

  private MessageService messageService;

  private OboAuthenticator oboAuthenticator;

  public void doStuff() {
      final AuthSession oboSession = oboAuthenticator.authenticateByUsername("");
      final V4Message message = messageService.obo(oboSession).send("", "Hello from OBO"); // works

      messageService.send("", "Hello world"); // fails with an IllegalStateException

Any attempt to use a non-OBO service endpoint will fail with an IllegalStateException.

Subscribe to Real Time Events

The Core Starter uses Spring Events to deliver Real Time Events.

You can subscribe to any Real Time Event from anywhere in your application by creating a handler method that has to respect two conditions:

  • be annotated with @EventListener
  • have<? extends T> parameter

The listener methods will be called with events from the datafeed loop or the datahose loop (or both) depending on your configuration:

        enabled: true # optional, defaults to true
        enabled: true # optional, defaults to false

If both datafeed and datahose are enabled, application will fail at startup. So please make sure datafeed is disabled when using datahose.

Here’s the list of Real Time Events you can subscribe:

public class RealTimeEvents {

  public void onMessageSent(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4MessageSent> event) {}

  public void onSharedPost(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4SharedPost> event) {}

  public void onInstantMessageCreated(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4InstantMessageCreated> event) {}

  public void onRoomCreated(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4RoomCreated> event) {}

  public void onRoomUpdated(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4RoomUpdated> event) {}

  public void onRoomDeactivated(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4RoomDeactivated> event) {}

  public void onRoomReactivated(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4RoomReactivated> event) {}

  public void onUserRequestedToJoinRoom(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4UserRequestedToJoinRoom> event) {}

  public void onUserJoinedRoom(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4UserJoinedRoom> event) {}

  public void onUserLeftRoom(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4UserLeftRoom> event) {}

  public void onRoomMemberPromotedToOwner(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4RoomMemberPromotedToOwner> event) {}

  public void onRoomMemberDemotedFromOwner(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4RoomMemberDemotedFromOwner> event) {}

  public void onConnectionRequested(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4ConnectionRequested> event) {}

  public void onConnectionAccepted(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4ConnectionAccepted> event) {}

  public void onMessageSuppressed(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4MessageSuppressed> event) {}

  public void onSymphonyElementsAction(RealTimeEvent<? extends V4SymphonyElementsAction> event) {}

By default, the RealTimeEvents are going to be processed asynchronously in the listeners, in case this is not the preferred behavior, one can deactivate it by updating the application.yaml file as

            async: false # optional, defaults to true

The same applies for bdk.datahose configuration.

Inject Services

The Core Starter injects services within the Spring application context:

public class CoreServices {
    private MessageService messageService;
    private StreamService streamService;
    private UserService userService;
    private DatafeedService datafeedService;
    private SessionService sessionService;
    private ActivityRegistry activityRegistry;

Unlike subscribing to real time events, using slash commands or activities, solely injecting services does not require the datafeed loop to run. If you want to disable the datafeed loop, you can update your application.yaml file as follows:

        enabled: false

:warning: Disabling the datafeed loop will prevent the use of real time event listeners, of slash commands and activities.

Slash Command

You can easily register a slash command using the @Slash annotation. Note that the CommandContext is mandatory to successfully register your command. If not defined, a warn message will appear in your application log. Note also that only beans with scope singleton will be scanned.

public class SlashHello {

  public void onHello(CommandContext commandContext) {"On /hello command sent at {}", commandContext.getEventTimestamp());

  @Slash(value = "/hello", mentionBot = false)
  public void onHelloNoMention(CommandContext commandContext) {"On /hello command (bot has not been mentioned)");

By default, the @Slash annotation is configured to require bot mention in order to trigger the command. You can override this value using @Slash#mentionBot annotation parameter.

You can also use slash commands with arguments. To do so, the field value of the @Slash annotation must have a valid format as explained in the Activity API section. If the slash command pattern is valid, you will have to specify all slash arguments as method parameter with the same name and type. If slash command pattern or method signature is incorrect, a warn message will appear in your application log and the slash command will not be registered. Note that the event timestamp is accessible from the commandContext using getEventTimestamp() method.

For instance:

public class SlashHello {

  @Slash("/hello {arg") // will not be registered: invalid pattern
  public void onHelloInvalidPattern(CommandContext commandContext, String arg) {"On /hello command");

  @Slash("/hello {arg1}{arg2}") // will not be registered: invalid pattern
  public void onHelloInvalidPatternTwoArgs(CommandContext commandContext, String arg1, String arg2) {"On /hello command");

  @Slash("/hello {arg1} {arg2}") // will be registered: valid pattern and valid signature
  public void onHelloValidPatternTwoArgs(CommandContext commandContext, String arg1, String arg2) {"On /hello command");

  @Slash("/hello {arg1} {arg2}") // will not be registered: valid pattern but missing argument
  public void onHelloValidPatternTwoArgs(CommandContext commandContext, String arg1) {"On /hello command");

  @Slash("/hello {arg1} {@arg2}") // will not be registered: valid pattern but mismatching type for arg2
  public void onHelloValidPatternTwoArgs(CommandContext commandContext, String arg1, String arg2) {"On /hello command");

  @Slash("/hello {arg1} {@arg2} {#arg3} {$arg4}") // will be registered: valid pattern and correct signature
  public void onHelloValidPatternTwoArgs(CommandContext commandContext, String arg1, Mention arg2, Hashtag arg3, Cashtag arg4) {"On /hello command");

:information_source: Slash commands are not registered to the datahose loop even when enabled.

Asynchronous slash Command

By default, @Slash annotation is configured to be synchronous. If the process takes time, the next incoming commands will be blocked and enqueued till the process is released. If this is a concern, Slash command can be configured to be asynchronous by setting the async option to the annotation.

public class AsyncActivity  {

  private MessageService messageService;

  @Slash(value = "/async", asynchronous = true)
  public void async(CommandContext context) throws InterruptedException {
            "I will simulate a heavy process that takes time but this should not block next commands");


    this.messageService.send(context.getStreamId(), "Heavy async process is done");


For more details about activities, please read the Activity API reference documentation

Any service or component class that extends FormReplyActivity or CommandActivity will be automatically registered within the ActivityRegistry.

:information_source: Activities are not registered to the datahose loop even when enabled.

Example of a CommandActivity in Spring Boot

The following example has been described in section Activity API documentation. Note here that with Spring Boot you simply have to annotate your CommandActivity class with @Component to make it automatically registered in the ActivityRegistry,

public class HelloCommandActivity extends CommandActivity<CommandContext> {

  protected ActivityMatcher<CommandContext> matcher() {
    return c -> c.getTextContent().contains("hello");

  protected void onActivity(CommandContext context) {"Hello command triggered by user {}", context.getInitiator().getUser().getDisplayName());

  protected ActivityInfo info() {
    return new ActivityInfo().type(ActivityType.COMMAND).name("Hello Command");

Example of a FormReplyActivity in Spring Boot

The following example demonstrates how to send an Elements form on @BotMention /gif slash command. The Elements form located in src/main/resources/templates/gif.ftl contains:

    <h2>Gif Generator</h2>
    <form id="gif-category-form">

        <text-field name="category" placeholder="Enter a Gif category..."/>

        <button name="submit" type="action">Submit</button>
        <button type="reset">Reset Data</button>

public class GifFormActivity extends FormReplyActivity<FormReplyContext> {

  private MessageService messageService;

  public void displayGifForm(CommandContext context) throws TemplateException {
    final Template template = bdk.messages().templates().newTemplateFromClasspath("/templates/gif.ftl");
    this.messageService.send(context.getStreamId(), Message.builder().template(template, Collections.emptyMap()));

  public ActivityMatcher<FormReplyContext> matcher() {
    return context -> "gif-category-form".equals(context.getFormId())
        && "submit".equals(context.getFormValue("action"))
        && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(context.getFormValue("category"));

  public void onActivity(FormReplyContext context) {"Gif category is \"{}\"", context.getFormValue("category"));

  protected ActivityInfo info() {
    return new ActivityInfo().type(ActivityType.FORM)
        .name("Gif Display category form command")
        .description("\"Form handler for the Gif Category form\"");

Integration Test

You can then create the integration test to guarantee the Bot application is working as design, like you can see in the example below. For more details, please refer to test module.

@SymphonyBdkSpringBootTest(properties = {"", "bot.username=my-bot", "bot.display-name=my bot"})
public class SimpleSpringAppIntegrationTest {
    private final V4User initiator = new V4User().displayName("user").userId(2L);
    private final V4Stream stream = new V4Stream().streamId("my-room");

    void echo_command_replyWithMessage(@Autowired MessageService messageService, @Autowired UserV2 botInfo) {
        // (1)  given
        when(messageService.send(anyString(), any(Message.class))).thenReturn(mock(V4Message.class));

        // (2)  when
        pushMessageToDF(initiator, stream, "/echo arg", botInfo);

        // (3)  then
        verify(messageService).send(eq("my-room"), eq("Received argument: arg"));

Home :house: