Extension Model

:bulb: since 2.6

:warning: The BDK Extension Mechanism is still an experimental feature, contracts might be subject to breaking changes in following versions.


The BDK extension model consists of a simple concept: the BdkExtension API. Note, however, that BdkExtension itself is just a marker interface.

The BdkExtension API is available through the module :symphony-bdk-extension-api but other modules might be required depending on what your extension needs to use.

Registering Extensions

Extensions are registered programmatically via the ExtensionService:

class ExtensionExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // using the ExtensionService
        final SymphonyBdk bdk = new SymphonyBdk(loadFromSymphonyDir("config.yaml"));

        // or using the SymphonyBdkBuilder
        final SymphonyBdk bdk = SymphonyBdk.builder()

Registering Extensions in Spring Boot

To use your extension in the BDK Spring Boot Starter, you simply need to register your extension as a bean added to the application context. Note that your extension class must implement BdkExtension in order to automatically be registered:

public class MyBdkExtensionConfig {

  public MyBdkExtension myBdkExtension() {
    return new MyBdkExtension();

This way, your extension will automatically be registered within the ExtensionService.

Service Provider Extension

A Service Provider extension is a specific type of extension loaded on demand when calling the ExtensionService#service(Class) method.

To make your extension Service Provider, your extension definition class must implement the BdkExtensionServiceProvider interface along with the BdkExtension marker interface:

 * The Service implementation class.
public class MyBdkExtensionService implements BdkExtensionService {

    public void sayHello(String name) {
        System.out.println("Hello, %s!", name); // #noLog4Shell
 * The Extension definition class.
public class MyBdkExtension implements BdkExtension, BdkExtensionServiceProvider<MyBdkExtensionService> {

    private final MyBdkExtensionService service = new MyBdkExtensionService();

    public MyBdkExtensionService getService() {
        return this.service;
 * Usage example.
class ExtensionExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final SymphonyBdk bdk = SymphonyBdk.builder()

        final MyBdkExtensionService service = bdk.extensions().service(MyBdkExtension.class);

Access your Extension’s service in Spring Boot

In Spring Boot, your extension’s service is lazily initialized. It means that you must annotate your injected extension’s service field with the @Lazy annotation in addition to the @Autowired one:

public class MyBdkExtensionConfig {

  public MyBdkExtension myBdkExtension() {
    return new MyBdkExtension();

public class ApiController {

    @Lazy // required, otherwise Spring Boot application startup will fail
    private MyBdkExtensionService groupService;

:bulb: Note that your IDE might show an error like “Could not autowire. No beans of ‘MyBdkExtensionService’ type found”. To disable this warning you can annotate your class with @SuppressWarnings("SpringJavaInjectionPointsAutowiringInspection")

BDK Aware Extensions

The BDK Extension Model allows extensions to access to some core objects such as the configuration or the api clients. Developers that wish to use these objects a free to implement a set of interfaces all suffixed with the Aware keyword.


The interface com.symphony.bdk.core.config.extension.BdkConfigAware allows extensions to read the BDK configuration:

public class MyBdkExtension implements BdkExtension, BdkConfigAware {

    private BdkConfig config;

    public void setConfiguration(BdkConfig config) {
        this.config = config;


The interface com.symphony.bdk.core.extension.BdkApiClientFactoryAware can be used by extensions that need to use the com.symphony.bdk.core.client.ApiClientFactory class:

public class MyBdkExtension implements BdkExtension, BdkApiClientFactoryAware {

    private ApiClientFactory apiClientFactory;

    public void setApiClientFactory(ApiClientFactory apiClientFactory) {
        this.apiClientFactory = apiClientFactory;


The interface com.symphony.bdk.core.extension.BdkAuthenticationAware can be used by extensions that need to rely on the service account authentication session (com.symphony.bdk.core.auth.AuthSession), which provides the sessionToken and keyManagerToken that are used to call the Symphony’s APIs:

public class MyBdkExtension implements BdkExtension, BdkAuthenticationAware {

    private AuthSession authSession;

    public void setAuthSession(AuthSession authSession) {
        this.authSession = authSession;


The interface com.symphony.bdk.core.extension.BdkRetryBuilderAware allows extensions to leverage the internal BDK retry API through the com.symphony.bdk.core.retry.RetryWithRecoveryBuilder<?> class:

public class MyBdkExtension implements BdkExtension, BdkRetryBuilderAware {

    private RetryWithRecoveryBuilder<?> retryBuilder;

    public void setRetryBuilder(RetryWithRecoveryBuilder<?> retryBuilder) {
        this.retryBuilder = retryBuilder;