Activity API

The Activity API is an abstraction built on top of the Datafeed’s Real Time Events. An Activity is basically a user interaction triggered from the chat. Two different kinds of activities are supported by the BDK:

  • Command Activity: triggered when a message is sent in an IM, MIM or Chatroom
  • Form Activity: triggered when a user replies to an Elements form message

Activity Registry

The central component for activities is the ActivityRegistry. This component is used to either add or retrieve activities. It is accessible from the SymphonyBdk object:

public class Example {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create BDK entry point
    final SymphonyBdk bdk = new SymphonyBdk(loadFromClasspath("/config.yaml"));
    // Access to the registry for activities
    final ActivityRegistry registry = bdk.activities();

Command Activity

A command activity is triggered when a message is sent in an IM, MIM or Chatroom. This is the most basic interaction between an end-user and the bot. Here are some command activity examples:

  • the bot is mentioned followed by a slash command:
    $ @BotMention /buy
  • a command with parameters, the bot is not mentioned:
    $ /buy 1000 goog
  • any message that contains ‘hello’ can be a command:
    $ I want to say hello to the world

How to create a Command Activity

public class Example {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // setup SymphonyBdk facade object
    final SymphonyBdk bdk = new SymphonyBdk(loadFromClasspath("/config.yaml"));
    // register Hello Command within the registry
    bdk.activities().register(new HelloCommandActivity());
    // finally, start the datafeed loop

class HelloCommandActivity extends CommandActivity<CommandContext> {

  protected ActivityMatcher<CommandContext> matcher() {
    return c -> c.getTextContent().contains("hello"); // (1)

  protected void onActivity(CommandContext context) {"Hello command triggered by user {}", context.getInitiator().getUser().getDisplayName()); // (2)

  protected ActivityInfo info() {
    return new ActivityInfo().type(ActivityType.COMMAND).name("Hello Command"); // (3)
  1. the ActivityMatcher allows detecting if the activity logic has to be executed or not. In this case, it will execute onActivity(CommandContext) each time a message that contains “hello” is sent in a stream where the bot is also a member
  2. this is where the command logic has to be implemented
  3. define activity information

Slash Command

A Slash command can be used to directly define a very simple bot command such as:

$ @BotMention /command
$ /command
$ /command argument
$ /command @mentionArgument

Slash command pattern format

The slash command can be a simple static pattern without arguments, like /command or /command help. You may specify one or more arguments by enclosing them with braces like {myArgument}. The string inside the braces must have at least one character and must not have whitespaces. If there are some arguments, each argument is mandatory in order for the slash command to be triggered. For instance:

  • for command pattern /command {arg}:
    • /command won’t match
    • command help will match
    • command help me won’t match

Arguments can be of several types:

  • {wordArgument} will match a regular word only (won’t match a mention, a cashtag or a hashtag)
  • {@mentionArgument} will match a mention only
  • {#hastagArgument} will match a hashtag only
  • {$cashtagArgument} will match a cashtag only

In the slash command definition, each argument must be separated by a whitespace to be valid. For instance:

  • {arg1} {@arg2} is valid
  • {arg1}{arg2} is invalid

Argument names must be unique inside a given pattern.

When a slash command matches, arguments can be retrieved thanks to the getArguments() method in the CommandContext class.

public class Example {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // setup SymphonyBdk facade object
    final SymphonyBdk bdk = new SymphonyBdk(loadFromClasspath("/config.yaml"));

    bdk.activities().register(SlashCommand.slash("/hello",    // (1)
                                                 true,        // (2)
                                                 context -> { // (3)"Hello slash command triggered by user {}", context.getInitiator().getUser().getDisplayName());

    bdk.activities().register(SlashCommand.slash("/hello {@mention}", true, context -> {
      Mention mention = context.getArguments().getAsMention("mention"); // must be the same name as put in the slash command pattern"Hello slash command triggered by user {} and mentioning {}", context.getInitiator().getUser().getDisplayName(),

    // finally, start the datafeed loop
  1. /hello is the command pattern
  2. true means that the bot has to be mentioned
  3. the command callback provides the CommandContext that allows to retrieve some information about the source of the event, or the event initiator (i.e. user that triggered the command)

Async Slash Command

A slash command is synchronous by default. In case the process takes times, the others incoming commands will be queued and get executed when the blocking process is released. If it is a concern, Slash command can be asynchronous by passing asynchronous parameter to the annotation.

public class AsyncCommandMain {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // setup SymphonyBdk facade object
    final SymphonyBdk bdk = new SymphonyBdk(loadFromClasspath("/config.yaml"));

    // displays the Gif form on /gif command with no params
    bdk.activities().register(slash("/async",  // (1)
            false,                              // (2)
            true,                              // (3)
            context ->                         // (4)
                            "This is an asynchronous command that should not block next commands"), 
            "Asynchronous command example"    // (5)

    // finally, start the datafeed loop
  1. /async is the command pattern
  2. false means that the bot should not be mentioned in the command
  3. true means that the command will be executed asynchronously
  4. the command callback provides the CommandContext that allows to retrieve some information about the source of the event, or the event initiator (i.e. user that triggered the command)
  5. the command description

Help Command

Help command is a BDK built-in command which will list out all the commands registered in the ActivityRegistry of the BDK by:

$ @BotMention /help

The help command can be instantiated by passing an ActivityRegistry and MessageService instances to the constructor, then added manually to the BDK activity registry:

public class Example {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // setup SymphonyBdk facade object
    final SymphonyBdk bdk = new SymphonyBdk(loadFromClasspath("/config.yaml"));

                                                 context -> {"Hello slash command triggered by user {}", context.getInitiator().getUser().getDisplayName());

    bdk.activities().register(new HelpCommand(bdk.activities(), bdk.messages()));

    // finally, start the datafeed loop

Form Activity

A form activity is triggered when an end-user reply or submit to an Elements form.

How to create a Form Activity

For this example, we will assume that the following Elements form has been posted into a room:

    <h2>Hello Form</h2>
    <form id="hello-form"> <!-- (1) -->

        <text-field name="name" placeholder="Enter a name here..."/> <!-- (2) -->

        <button name="submit" type="action">Submit</button> <!-- (3) -->
        <button type="reset">Reset Data</button>

  1. the formId is “hello-form
  2. the form has one unique <text-field> called “name
  3. the has one action button called “submit
public class Example {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // setup SymphonyBdk facade object
    final SymphonyBdk bdk = new SymphonyBdk(loadFromClasspath("/config.yaml"));
    // register Hello FormReply Activity within the registry
    bdk.activities().register(new HelloFormReplyActivity(bdk.messages()));
    // finally, start the datafeed loop

class HelloFormReplyActivity extends FormReplyActivity<FormReplyContext> {

  private final MessageService messageService;

  public HelloFormReplyActivity(MessageService messageService) {
    this.messageService = messageService;

  protected ActivityMatcher<FormReplyContext> matcher() {
    return c -> "hello-form".equals(c.getFormId()) && "submit".equals(c.getFormValue("action")); // (1)

  protected void onActivity(FormReplyContext context) {
    final String message = "Hello, " + context.getFormValue("name") + "!"; // (2)
    this.messageService.send(context.getSourceEvent().getStream(), "<messageML>" + message + "</messageML>");

  protected ActivityInfo info() {
    return new ActivityInfo().type(ActivityType.FORM).name("Hello Form Reply Activity");
  1. The ActivityMatcher ensures that activity logic is triggered only when the form with idhello-form” has been submitted from the action button “submit
  2. The activity context allows to directly retrieve form values. Here the “name<text-field> value

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