Symphony BDK Reference Documentation

BDK version 3.0: Major change !

The newly introduced BDK version 3.0 relies on Java 17 and SpringBoot 3. This is a major change that allows Symphony to continue to propose the latest security fixes following the end of support of Spring Boot 2 and also to keep up with the latest evolutions of Java.

For the next 6 months Symphony will provide critical security fixes for BDK 2.0 where possible (since Spring gives no guarantees for their packages).

Please consider migrating your Bots in the coming months to benefit from the latest features and support.

Note !

As detailed above, the BDK version 2.0 will stop being supported by Symphony on August 15.

This reference guide provides detailed information about the Symphony BDK. It provides a comprehensive documentation for all features and abstractions made on top of the Symphony REST API.

If you are just getting started with Symphony Bot developments, you may want to begin reading the Getting Started guide.

The reference documentation consists of the following sections:

Section Description
Getting Started Introducing Symphony BDK for beginners
Migration Guide Guide to migrate to Symphony BDK 2.0
Configuration Configuration structure, formats, how to load from code
Authentication RSA or certificate authentication, OBO, extension app authentication
Datafeed Loop Receiving real time events
Fluent API Java Fluent API usage
Message API Sending or searching messages, usage of templates
Stream API Create and manage streams
User API Manage users
Presence API Manage user presence status
Application API Managing applications
Signal API Creating and managing signals
Connection API Managing connections
Disclaimer API Managing disclaimers
Health API Get health check status
Activity API The Activity Registry, creating custom activities
Extending the BDK How to use or develop BDK extensions
Integration Test How to write the integration tests for Symphony BDK Bot application

Spring Boot

Getting Started guides are also available for Spring Boot:

Technical Documentation

You can find an overview of the BDK Architecture here.